"20 Jobs, 20 Artists, 20 Days before Release."
The Endwalker Fan Countdown Project consists of a group of artists that have gathered together and are excited for the release for Final Fantasy XIV's upcoming 4th expansion, Endwalker.
Taking inspiration from the official art countdown from the previous expansions, we have followed the same format of posting one artwork a day until Endwalker's official release on November 23rd.
Due to a recent update and release delay we will be postponing our art countdown and continue again on November 16th!
You can find us using #FFXIVFanCountdown on Twitter.
Thank you for taking the time to check us out and Please look forward to it!
We will be continuing our countdown at November 16th!
Countdown Gallery
Countdown Illustrations will be uploaded here!
We will be updating the countdown daily with the designated artwork and attach a link to the artist's post here.
The roles that will be released on that day are teased so you'll have an idea what to expect.
If you like what you see here, please don't forget to support the artists involved in this project!
Artist Line-up
If you would like to see more, support, and follow the artists involved in this project, you can click on their respective icons below.
**The order in which the artists appear here doesn't represent the day in which they're releasing their artwork~